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Sunday, January 12, 2014

A Walk (or two) in the Park

There are many reasons to love Finn, the "Wheaten wanna be" dog.  This morning, though, the reason that bubbles up among all others is the joy of our two-a-day walks.  On this, our second "false Spring" morning in a row, when even the birds are certain April is just around the corner, I can think of nothing that church can offer me that a walk outside cannot.

I have always enjoyed walking, but in the two years since getting Finn--a dog who is young and curious and filled with stunning bursts of speed--I have been reminded repeatedly of the joy that comes from time spent walking outdoors.  And, if I must have a purpose when walking--because Americans cannot fathom doing things without reason or intent--then let my purpose be this:  To see and feel and smell and love all the life that is outside and among me.

On our walks, Finn and I have greeted the slow thaws of Spring, listening to the crackle of water as it weaves its way through last night's hard freeze.

Our walks have led us to newly-fallen trees, their bloodlines brought down by too much ice and snow.  And we stand before them, solemn, observing the thousand stories leeching from their splintered skins.

Walking has introduced me to new friends--Richard, who walks a Rosary around Woods Park each morning; Ann and her still-wild pup, both of whom actually were jogging in the subzero dawn last Monday; Jan, a cup of coffee in her hand and her Schnauzer in a snappy red sweater.

As much as I enjoy these people who are new to me,  it is my time spent with nature, even nature that is found smack dab in the middle of a burgeoning city, that most often calls to me.   Just this morning, I struggled to step off of our patio, too enthralled by birdsong and movement--that crazy Carolina wren singing in the wisteria, the intentional searching of a downy woodpecker, the antics of squirrel siblings, the vee of Canadian geese flying over me.  And--I know this sounds crazy--I could swear I heard the "tsee tsee tsee" of cedar waxwings and wondered if it really was them that flocked atop my neighbor's birch.  It is a miracle the dog and I left our property at all! 

In this month of resolutions, when seasons do battle and size-8 pants vie for our attention, it would be good to remind ourselves that there is more to life and health than what can be found in a gym membership.   It is good to step outside and walk a bit, whatever the weather.  To take the time to put on extra layers and to find a pair of boots that can withstand snow and slush and streams of water desperately seeking ocean, and to simply walk upon the earth a bit.

And get a dog, if you must.  Any dog will do, for they all are born with the knowledge that there is great worth in two walks a day, weather be damned. 


  1. I sent this to my mom. It really made me think of her when I read this. Your love for nature really echos the way my mom feels about it. Someday we should all go for a picnic and a walk somewhere around here. I think you and my mom would have a blast, and I would smile just watching you.

  2. Count me in, friend! I know we'd have a great time!
