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Saturday, March 23, 2019

A Beautiful Puzzle

What do you do with a view like this when, 50 miles away, someone is standing in his living room, knee deep in mud?  This is the question that has haunted so many Lincolnites of late.

We who were asked to take fewer showers bit our tongues last weekend as sun and warmth pulled us all outside.  And we jammed our relief--a kind of dark, distasteful secret--deep into our pockets, determined not to show it.

As I write this, a handful of vultures buzz my neighbor's treetops and a dozen robins bend earthward, listening for worms.  This morning's view, against a lake no longer thick with ice, was yet another sign that spring may very well be here.

Was my hour at the lake a lavish waste, given the suffering of Nebraskans to the north and west of me?  Depends who you ask, I suppose.  And, while a part of me was tempted to feel guilty, I was grateful for that hour, for the way that it renewed and refilled me.

It has been a very long winter and a lot of folks are suffering right now.  All the more reason to seek out the things that make us more grateful--a beautiful sky, a semi trailer filled with supplies, a stranger's hand reaching out to lift us up.

Take the sunrise when you can.  Then put that light to work. 

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