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Sunday, April 2, 2017

Heroes Just for One Day

Susan Sontag wrote "courage is as contagious as fear."

I have felt equal parts of both this year.  On levels both cellular and societal, my world has burbled and burst open, time and again.  And the resultant exposure has been intense.

Cancer and death, politics and personalities have made me both brave and bedraggled.   Often in the same day.  And these odd bookends end up blurring the good and ordinary things that exist between them, which sometimes leaves me feeling unanchored and isolated.

How is it that I have found my voice and lost it, too?

It is April and I have only written 7 of these.

It is April and I have seen Sandhills Cranes and the English Beat, the Gutenberg Bible and a Pileated Woodpecker.

It is April and our president announced his commitment to the coal industry.  While standing at the Environmental Protection Agency.  

It is April and I don't like what my cancer meds are doing to my body.

It is April and I am a 55-year-old woman, invisible to many, and empowered by that fact.  Nothing to lose.

It is April and the earth reminds me that it is hard work to nudge spring to life again.

It is April and the rains have slaked our thirst.

It is April and I am alive.

It is April and I shall be courageous.

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