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Friday, March 18, 2016

Loving Life's Lesson Plans

I don't know most of the people in this photo, but I love the photo anyway.  In particular, I love it because of the bearded guy in the back row, who happens to be my son, Eric.  A student teacher at Southeast and a Slam Poetry coach at Lincoln High (this is the team the day after they won their first tournament!), Eric Carlson Holt is one of the best people I know.  While I'm sure some might consider that comment biased, it is actually an accurate statement.  Eric is funny and kind, smart as a whip and humble.  And these qualities can be confirmed by others who do not share his DNA.

To think that this fine man is on the verge of being a teacher is an awesome thought for me to consider.  And it should be good news to others, too, because we need as many good people in the world as possible, especially good people who are willing to work with teens.

While babies may always trump young adults in the "cute and squishy" department, it is hard for me to imagine a more satisfying experience as a parent than to witness your own children coming into full possession of themselves.  Both Eric and Allison are so much more than the sum of their parents' parts.  Smarter. Wiser.  More. . . themselves.  And I am happy to be the person in their rear-view mirrors, as they move into the lives they are meant to live.

I'm filled with gratitude both for whom my children (really, only "children" to Mark and me now) have become and for the fine folks who have mentored and encouraged them along the way.

Stepping out of the way isn't for sissies.  It can be dizzying and a bit scary.  But the view is fantastic--stretched out and beautiful.

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