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Sunday, July 17, 2011

Safe Travels

Safe travels, my son
Wending your way through new lands
Lost in time and in place
in thought and, I hope,
in joy, as well
This space is strange without you
I ponder buying a watch, so that I can count the hours until
you return

Safe travels, my friend
You who has a great chasm to span
life bloods to swap
cancer to beat
a life to keep living
Live it well in that cell of yours
Unimpeded by the bars and whirring machines
Knowing that light pulses within you

Safe travels, my girl
who wakes before cardinal or crow
donning the wear of your work
legs both scratched and tanned
shoes still muddy from yesterday's field
You who are finding your way in this life
and changing its texture
simply by showing up and living it

Safe travels, new spirits
set free from the bonds of this life
scrub us clean as you pass through us
Build us up in love and hope
memory and faith
For we falter in your absence
Uncertain of what to do next

Safe travels to all
who wake each day
putting foot to floor
and moving through life,
despite what you know
and don't know

What courage, to live!


  1. this is really amazing and wonderful Jane...keep writing!

  2. Wonderful, Jane. Thank you for sharing with us all.

  3. Thank you, Jane, for sharing this and for letting us share it with others. I close notes and messages all the time with "safe travels," and you have captured exactly what I mean by that. From now on, I will remember this every time I sign that. Safe travels, Jane!
