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Monday, April 25, 2011

Jane's Incomplete List of Really Great People

Now that Time magazine has published its Time 100, highlighting the most important people in the world today, I thought I'd do my own list, much shorter and possibly important only to me. Below is a short (read, "incomplete, so don't feel bad if you aren't on it") list of some excellent folks in my life and the lessons they've taught me.

My dad, Jim Raglin

Lessons learned: It is possible to be friends with Democrats AND Republicans. You can use humor to heal wounds and, when necessary, to wound heels. A well-told story is a beautiful thing. Sing loud, even if you have a lousy singing voice.

My mom, Sally Raglin

Lessons learned: Motherhood is not for sissies. Art is essential to a good life. So is music. Strength endures, even as bodies fail. You are still beautiful, even when you accidentally tuck your skirt into your panty hose.

My oldest brother, Mike Raglin

Lessons learned: When you get an inheritance, throw a great party for your friends--that is money well spent. Live large and don't worry about failing. Joy is infectious. So is AIDS.

My husband, Mark Holt
Lessons learned: Kindness is not a gender-specific thing. Nor is parenting. Or the love of musicals. And, sometimes, even Plain Janes get the good-looking guy.

My son, Eric Holt

Lessons learned: Babies are really patient teachers. Curiosity is Miracle Gro for the mind. Even serious thinkers have a bad dance move or two inside them. Children make their parents better people, something they'd never achieve on their own.

My daughter, Allison Holt

Lessons learned: Just because you've done something once doesn't mean you know what you are doing the next time around. Loyalty is not for sissies. Beauty is way deeper than the epidermis. Love cannot be contained.

My friend, Andrea Kabourek

Lessons learned: Cancer sucks, but you don't have to. Humor heals (see "Jim Raglin" above). Sometimes, getting up in the morning is a very brave thing to do. So is hang gliding over Turkey. But who wants to live a life without those things?

My journalism teacher, Jim Schaffer

Lessons learned: Stand back and let students think and do for themselves (still working on this one a bit). Don't build walls where you can put in a door. Journalism gives a voice to teens, who seldom feel their voices matter much. Teaching journalism can be lots of fun.

My journalism hero, Molly Ivans

Lessons learned: The rules of grammar are not etched in stone. Texas is at once both wonderful and horrifying. Ditto for Texans. A woman can be brash and brave and groundbreaking, just by telling the truth, rolled in humor. Cancer sucks.

My spiritual guide, Anne Lamott

Lessons learned: God is funny and, on occasion, maybe a little profane. "Us and Them" is not a God thing; it's a rotten human thing. "Warts and all" pretty much describes everyone, so we might as well get over the warts part and get on with things.

I know there are lots of other folks out there who deserve the nod. It's just that I'm starting to nod a bit myself. So consider this a starting point.

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