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Sunday, February 28, 2021

The Arc and its Covenant

Last night, a flash of light punctuated itself between the slats of our blinds, followed by thunder--low and rumbly.  It was all I could do not to trip over Mark's outstretched feet as I tore open the front door, breathing in the metallic scent of something both ancient and new. 

Already drunk from successive days of southerly winds and bright, sunlit afternoons, the evening's prelude for spring storms left me thick-tongued and delirious. 

Such are the effects of earth's rotation within the vast universe, the orb's spring-ward arc and its beloved covenant.  

Early last month, I decided to alter this year's calendar, pushing New Year's Eve to March 10, 2021, a year to the day when I shed the last of my innocence.  By dinnertime the following night, I'd learn that Tom Hanks was holed up in Australia, with something called COVID-19, and I felt a subtle yet seismic shift in the arc of things. 

What followed is both inexplicable to and known by all--a devastating year of disease, death, discord.

But still, this beautiful earth held to its well-worn path, spinning lopsidedly on its axis while bending its way around the sun.  

And still, the Sandhills Cranes came, alighting on the sandy fingertips of the Platte, hungry and honking.  

Still, the Honey Locust out front stretched its limbs skyward, its tiny, new leaves filling up on light-filled fuel. 

Still, the fireflies brought their magical light shows to our summer lawns.

Still, the milo fields burned orange, under the umber light of a September sunset.

Still, the quiet storm of endless snow told us it was okay to stay in and just watch.

Come March 10th, amidst the mixed microburst of crocus and vaccine, I will don a silly hat and raise a glass to this beautiful, steady earth that has held me this long year, remembering those who have gone and those who have yet to come.  

Amen and allelujah. 


  1. Amen and fitting. Glad you reminded us.

  2. These words are like a warm blanket, a comfort against the cold.. Thanks J
