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Friday, June 29, 2018

The Real Birther Movement

I'm no bra burner.  But I also don't do the laundry.  Mark does.  And that's only because I once almost started a fire after putting our children's wet,  down-filled winter coats in the dryer, so this division of labor is as it should be.

It's important to know what's in your wheelhouse and what isn't.  So, what's in my wheelhouse these days?  Really, the question should be who is in my wheelhouse.

Women, that's who.

And it turns out there are lots and lots of women in the United States right now.  Just four years ago, in fact, there were 5 million more women than men living in the U.S.  On college campuses,  56 percent of students are women, as are nearly 58 percent of college grads. And, if you happen to live to 85?  Women outnumber men nearly 2 to 1 in that demographic.

My point?

Sweet God, men!  Start behaving.  Like, two years ago!!  And, frankly,  why are you still running the show in Washington?

True, we may make less money than you, but we will always make more children and milk than you.  And there's a reason that women, not men, give birth.  Survival of the species comes to mind.

Don't get me wrong.  I'm nuts about men.  Some of my favorite people are men.

But it'd be stupid to put them in charge solely because of body parts.

So I just would like to remind you men out there (and let's be honest--white men, mostly.  Plus, Ben Carson) that there are more of us than you.  And we are strong and capable and have endurance like nobody's business.  But, really?

Kids in cages?

Girls for sale?

Eighty one cents to each dollar of yours?

I may be cute, but I'm not stupid.

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