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Sunday, January 8, 2012

Love is in the Details

The Republican Presidential Primary is making this secondary teacher a little crazy these days. Then again, so are Iran and No Child Left Behind and the new guy on 10/11. . . . which is why this blog is dedicated to the details that I love in my life.

GOD BE PRAISED for the joy of browning meatballs! Hallelujah for the pleasure I get in poking their pink, porcine bodies with a simple dinner fork, nudging out their crusty inner selves amidst a pool of better-than-average olive oil!

THREE CHEERS for the little chihuahua who hollered to me after church this morning, beckoning me to the fence, where my fingers weaved their way to his tiny, white stomach, much to the delight of both of us! As if he knew this was his job today!

PRAISE BE to our tidy gas fireplace insert and the nearly life-like, surprisingly warm flame it cranks out with the simple flick of a switch!

GLORY BE to all those awesome killer notes that bubble up in all the songs that run through my head! Especially glad for the last song in church this morning, chock full o' winners, even if people clapped over the delightful bells. . . !

HOLY TOLEDO! I LOVE it when the daily Word Jumble falls happily, quickly and logically into my lap! The only thing that is better? When daughter Allison figures out the Jumble before I do! Let the Angels sing their praises to this clever offspring!

AMEN to all those lovely moments when I share a look with a student, who "gets" what I'm thinking! Here's to loads more of those moments in 2012!

LET THE GOOD WORD BE SPREAD! I am always grateful for the tolerance, patience and humor of the friends and family who fill my life and allow me to express myself, however clumsily!

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