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Friday, August 26, 2011

Making Lunch for My Daughter

This morning, just when I was threatening to make it all about me, Allison asked if I'd make her lunch. At first, I resisted, the tough-love mama just about to utter "no." And then, I decided what the heck.

What the heck, indeed.

To make something for someone else--even something as simple and dull as a school lunch--is a great way to start the day. The ignorant, occasional Buddhist in me emerged as I got lost in touching the bread, laying the slices side by side. I found myself surprisingly present as I slathered on the peanut butter and jelly, topping it with the second slice of honey wheat, cutting it carefully at an angle, to fancy it up a bit.

I felt real love as I tucked an oatmeal raisin cookie into its plastic sleeve, tucking bag into bag.

I hadn't anticipated getting so swept up in yet another sack lunch. Even as I type this, I still feel the buzz of joy that this simple act brought me this morning.

I'm so glad Allison asked, and that I gave the right answer.

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