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Saturday, March 19, 2011

To Cheer Mom: From Cheer Daughter

As my own mother accidentally leaves her "Digital Road Trips" account logged in, I had a wonderous idea cooking up in my old brain...I should write my own blog about something in my life. As many people already know from my mom's Facebook status, I (Allison) made the JV (Junior Varsity) Cheer team at Lincoln High School. Tryouts were very hard, but I managed to get through all the pain and suffering, as did my mom.

Monday, was our first day of 'tryouts.' We learned a cheer. On Tuesday, we learned two chants (which is like a short version of a cheer). On Wednesday we learned a dance, and let me tell you, it was HARD! I came home that night tired and sore.

Friday was the day of tryouts. All day at school I was shaking and worrying about messing up. I knew that the "Raglin Genes" were not in my favor for this, but hey, what can you do?

So after school I rode my bike home speedy quick, and got ready for tryouts. The sponsor, Sally, stated, "A little bit of glitter and mascara never hurts," so I did as she instructed. When I got back to LHS I stretched the bajesus out of me, worked on my jumps, and practiced the cheer, dance, and chants.

When the clock stroke 4:30, we couldn't practice anymore. We were handed name tags with a letter and a number on them. Mine was C9, so I was in the third group. When group B got finished with their tryouts, my group was called.

We marched into the gym and spirited onto the three yellow X's on the ground. My cheeks were already quivering from smiling so much. Then the judges asked us to show them our jumps, the cheer, one of the chants, and the dance.

When I finished with my tryout, it was like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders. I was done. I had done the impossible...for a Holt that is.

When every group had finished their tryout, we were handed a slip of paper with a website on it. They said the results would be up at 8 o'clock.

At about 7:55, I eagerly logged onto the computer and refreshed the website page every time I got a chance to. At precisely 8:03 I refreshed it and noticed that the page had changed and saw letters and numbers on it. I frantically looked for my number and couldn't find it at first, but then saw it under the "Junior Varsity" column. It also had a star by it which meant I was a 'swinger' between JV and Varsity.

My mind went crazy, I was a cheerleader for my High School! I screamed at the top of my lungs and ran up the basement stairs to share the news. My parents, excited as well, freaked out with me.

Now my only problem is, is getting my mom ready for all of this.

1 comment:

  1. The best post yet! Way to go, Allison. You'll hate me for posting this publically, but I remember watching you dance to Veggie Tales as a kid. I should've known then that you were going to be a star! Best of luck as you enter this new, exciting chapter in your life.

    Peace and love,

