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Sunday, January 30, 2011

Lessons My Dog Has Taught Me

Smile, even if your teeth are broken and blotched.

Kiss, even if your breath is not minty fresh.

Love, because you know no other way to live.

Rest, even in the midst of commotion.

Eat joyfully, even if the menu never wavers.

Breathe noisily, so that others may know you are there.

Poop twice a day, and take a little victory lap after each one.

Explore your back yard, and see it anew each time.

Rush to the door when a cat is near, because they always bring adventure.

Let others brush your hair, because it makes everyone feel good.

Stick your nose in a snowdrift, because the earth smells delicious.

Be silent, and let others tell their stories.

Do one thing at a time, for that is all we can do anyway.

Dance, because a walk is on the horizon.

Run in your dreams, where none runs faster than you.

Love without memory, so that others may shine anew.

Let yourself be loved, for there is no more important job in life.

1 comment:

  1. Your best writing yet. LOVED it. And your inspiration (Hobbes). Great work sis.
